
Archive date: February 2009

Exec Minutes - 19th February 2009

Posted on 26th February 2009

h3. Present

Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)
Claire Thomas (pepper)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Connor Dunn (Connorhd)
Tim Monks (monk)
Rebecca Chui (Trip)
Ken Teh (Ken)
William Harris (Dirtus)
Thomas Blake (Twinklefeet)
Michael Tandy (alskdj)

h2. Mailman moderation

The new exec needed mailman administrator and moderator passwords.
Action: Monk needs to reset the passwords, and Sinjo needs to change
it so that the whole exec can see notifications on exec, discuss and

AGM results!

Posted on 21st February 2009

The results of the AGM are in, and I am pleased to announce the new exec were elected as follows:

|Academic President|Connor Dunn (Connorhd)|
|Gaming President|Tomas Pilar (Azurit)|
|Secretary|Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)|
|Treasurer|Timothy Monks (monk)|
|Social Secretary|Claire Thomas (pepper)|
|Technical Officer|Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)|
|WUGLUG Liason|Timothy Monks (monk)|
|Gaming Officer| Nathan Wong (Estel)|

As well as these elected positions the new exec have voted to appoint a Publicity Officer positi...

Exec Minutes - 19th February 2009

Posted on 19th February 2009

h3. Present

Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)
Claire Thomas (pepper)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Tim Monks (monk)
Connor Dunn (Connorhd)
Rebecca Chui (Trip)
Raj Shukla (Natural20)
Hammad Qureshi (Dr)
Adish Bharadwaj Ramabadran (Viruk)

h2. Publicity Officer

The previous exec decided that a publicity officer was needed. After a brief discussion, Trip was nominated to the position, due to her experience and the exec being impressed with her work on the one world week advertising...

AGM - tonight!

Posted on 18th February 2009

Once again it's the time of year that our Annual General Meeting comes around. We'll be assembling our conclave later this evening at 1830 in rooms R0.03/04 in the Ramphal building, and I'd like to wholeheartedly encourage you to attend if you find yourself even slightly partial to the future direction of the society. There may be snackies, and in true compsoc tradition a trip to a purveyor of beverages seems likely to follow.

If you've reached term two whilst still unsure of the location of the Ramphal Bu...