
Archive date: February 2003

3D Graphics Tutorials

Posted on 25th February 2003

Ahead of the 3D graphics tutorials starting tomorrow I have put up the slides and some links on my web-site, you can find it all here.

CompSoc Exec 2003-2004

Posted on 23rd February 2003

The elections for next year's CompSoc Exec were held at the LAN. The results are as follows:

* President - Phil Stoneman (DrWatson)

* Vice-President - Sadiq Jaffer

* Secretary - Euan MacGregor (zx64)

* Treasurer - Christian Bates (Draconas)

* Technical Officer - Richard Wilson (Si1entDave)

* Webmaster - David Buckley (Bucko)

The new exec will be phased in over the next three weeks, and will officially take over their duties at the start of Term 3.

Minnits - 15 February 2003

Posted on 15th February 2003

h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits

h4. 15 February 2003

h4. Present

* Director Layme AKA Henry Southgate
* Assistant Director Whiney AKA Adam Bowen
* Agent Crunchy AKA Christopher "I'm an engineer" Fanning
* Agent Squirrel AKA Thomas Cropper
* Agent Stoned AKA Philip Stoneman
* Bucket the janitor AKA David Buckley

h4. Not Present

* Agent Hippiebitch AKA David de la Motte Sherman Fuckit
* Chief TOSA Galloway AKA James Galloway Ross

h4. A number of recruits were also in attendance

* Recruit Noisy AKA NoisyDav...

LAN signups

Posted on 9th February 2003

Oops! Sorry, we meant Sunday in the newsletter for LAN signups. Everything else stands, though - and signups are open now - just select the LAN from the list on the right on the website.

Minnits - 8 February 2003

Posted on 8th February 2003

h3. Minnits of the Compsoc Intelligence Agency, 8th February, 2003

This is a class 1 top secret document, for viewing only by those with alpha level clearance. If you do not have this clearance, please hand this document and yourself over to the nearest authority for brainwas^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hdebriefing.

All names have been changed to protect identities.

Present :

* Assistant Director Whiney
* Agent Squirrel
* Chief TOSA Galloway
* Agent Stoned
* Minimum Otter, Civilian Consult
* Bucket the janitor

To b...

Minnits - 2 February 2003

Posted on 2nd February 2003

h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits

h4. 2 February 2003

h4. Present

* Dave de la Motte
* Adam Bowen
* Chris Fanning
* Phil Stoneman
* Henry Southgate
* David Buckley
* Tom Cropper
* James Ross

h4. LAN server

Chris is lame for not having bought the speakers yet - Chris to buy them this week. Chris has investigated (and mailed info to the mailing list) and we can spend £4-500 on a decent spec box. Scrimping would only save about £40 so isn't really worth it. The RAID option was examined but considered too expens...