Resources Hub

This page is a hub for most of our academic resources. Some are listed below, and you can find quick links to sub-pages along the sidebar.


Rust (Term 1, Weeks 2-5)

Supported by a grant from the Rust foundation, this four-week course introduces Rust to those already familiar with another programming language. Throughout the course, you'll be developing some cool projects - starting with Tic-Tac-Toe in the command line, then writing a Chip-8 Interpreter, before finishing off with a Graphics Raytracing project. Runs in Term 1!

Python (Term 1, Weeks 1-6)

A six-week introductory Python course, created alongside Warwick AI and Coding and running in Term 1. We're responsible for Week 1 (Variables, Datatypes, & Debugging) and Week 6 (Efficiency, Compactness, Readability). Clearly saving the best for first and last! We also worked jointly with AI to create "Wahoot", the overarching project.

Looking for booster sessions? We run them with ChemSoc in Term 1, and PhysSoc in Term 2, tailoring the content to meet their course.

We'd also recommend checking out this tutorial from the Department of Computer Science as a good starting point.

Workshops / Labs

Linux 101

(DCS Only) In partnership with the Department of Computer Science, this talk and accompanying lab serves as a short introduction to the Linux command line and departmental machines. We cover navigation, file/folder creation/deletion, permissions, and storage/printing quotas. By the end of this lab, you should be able to host your own public page on the DCS website!

Git Good

Git is an essential version control tool, used across the software engineering industry - from small solo projects to the world's largest tech companies. You might have used it before, but here we'll really dive in to how it works, why it's so useful, and how you can use it in your own projects going forward. Talk by Sam Coy, with an accompanying lab.

Docker, Contained


We upload most past talks to our YouTube channel.

Lightning Talks

Hosted twice every term - sessions of three 15-minute student talks across a wide array of computing-related topics. Check out the play-list below! We're always happy to accept new talks, so get in touch if you think you've got a cool idea.

Third Year Project Talks

We gathered a bunch of third year students with projects covering a range of different areas across the field, and convinced them to present their projects to you! Topics included machine learning, virtual reality, algorithms, computer security, and general software engineering. Each talk was followed by a Q&A, with tips and advice offered throughout. Thanks to the Department of Computer Science, and especially Greg, for supporting the event!

Industry Talks

We also offer longer talks from industry professionals, across a wide range of companies. Check out Leo's 'Day in the life of a Software Engineer' talk below!


UWCS Challenge

In both teaching terms, we run our own team programming challenge. 5 custom problems, in teams of up to 3, with prizes for the top 3 teams! Past problems can be found here. We've also designed our own online judge for automatic marking - try it out!

Other Coding Competitions

We promote and encourage participation in events like Advent of Code, the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), and ~~Google Hash Code~~ (rip). We also invite companies in to give their own programming challenges, such as G-Research.

Capture The Flag (CTF) Events

We've hosted CTFs from both Nettitude and BAE Systems. The Cyber Security society also host a few of their own!


Discord Guide

For those who need help navigating around Discord, a previous cohort of exec made this comprehensive guide to the platform and our server.

Remoting into DCS

(DCS Only) A brief guide on how to remotely connect to the Department of Computer Science Linux PCs via the command line.