
Archive date: April 2005

phpMyAdmin upgrade

Posted on 24th April 2005

If you can't log in to (or because it keeps bouncing you back to the login page with no error message, please delete the cookies for that hostname and try again. This is caused by a bug in the previous version of the upstream software, which is now fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience.

CompSoc Minutes 18/04/2005

Posted on 18th April 2005

h3. CompSoc Minutes 18/04/2005

h4. In Attendance

* Phil Stoneman
* Ian Norris
* Tim Troy
* Adam Miles
* Chloe Dives
* Tim Retout
* Richard Wilson
* Chris Boyle
* Andrew Sully

h5. Apologies

* Sadiq Jaffer

h4. Bowling

Chloe has sorted out bowling and signups close tomorrow morning (19th April) with the event to go ahead on Thursday 21st. Due to the large amount of signups and many people needing lifts, Chloe will email the people going with details of bus times so most people can go on the same bu...