
Week 10 Term 2 Newsletter

Posted on 14th March 2010

Hello CompSoc!

We've got the usual stuff this week, the pub social in the Phantom Coach on Monday to Gaming on Friday.

A note to those who were at gaming last Friday:
-There is some lost property from gaming, a hat/gloves/scarf combo and some notebooks with mathematics notes in, get in touch with Agaeki if any of this is yours.
-Also, the room was left quite a mess after gaming, food trodden into the carpet etc. If you're going to have food at gaming, PLEASE ensure you take it with you or throw it away wh...

Minutes 12/3/2010

Posted on 12th March 2010

h2. Present:

MrWilson, Dirtus, Dangerman, PokeForCake, Sinjo, Estel, Cranman, Connor, Agaeki, Fyorl, Mulletron, Bucko, Zed0, SigmaD, Monk and TeamDoherty

h2. Minutes:

h3. Agenda:

-An agenda would be useful, maybe googledocs

h3. Gaming:

-Fyorl got Diablo 2 working.
- TeamDoherty wants to get steam working.
- People need to own games to play is a benefit.
- Connor reckons that with enough work, most steam games could be run.
-Fyorl has server access and has giventhe appropriate peopl...

Week 9 Newsletter

Posted on 7th March 2010

Hey CompSoc,

For those of you still alive after the Real Ale festival, here's a
newsletter for this week.

We have our regular pub social at the Phantom Coach on Monday and Gaming
on Friday in DCS.
We're also having our exec meeting on Friday this week before Gaming, so
feel free to come along and watch us attempt to prevent the society
spiralling into chaos.

This week's events
Pub Social on Mon, 8th March

Exec Meeting on F...

Minutes - 3/3/2010

Posted on 3rd March 2010

h2. Present:

MrWilson, Mogmiester, Dirtus, Cranman, Fyorl, TeamDoherty, Agaeki, Zed0, Azurit, Trip, SigmaD

h2. Minutes:

h3. Emails/Mailing List and Website:

-Fyorl needs the mailman password to do things.
-Monk may or may not have added people to the mailing list already.
-Exec Bios need updating
-Admins can rewrite the entire website. (Don't do that)

h3. Dirtus' Si... Football:

-Dirtus wondered if anyone was interested in a 5 a side game.
-Will be mentioned in newsletter.

h3. Pokemon Social:


Term 2 Week 8

Posted on 3rd March 2010

Greetings CompSoc!

Since the new exec are getting used to pretending to know what's going on, I thought it was about time for some spam e-mail.

This week is of course the Real Ale Festival, that a lot of people have been really looking forward to, which is on in the evening on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

We recommend you join us for the official CompSoc visit on Thursday, we're meeting at 6pm at the Copper rooms, hope to see you there.
We also have our regular gaming session on Friday for the usual f...

AGM Results

Posted on 24th February 2010

The new Exec have been elected as follows:

Academic President: Alex Wilson (Mr_Wilson)
Gaming President: Thomas Doherty (TeamDoherty)
Secretary: Robert Steele (SigmaD)
Treasurer: Matthew Cranham (cranman)
Tech. Officer: Kim Mantas (Fyorl)
Socials Officer: William Harris (Dirtus)

We will announce the first exec meeting when a time and place has been decided, feel free to come along and meet us.

Robert Steele(SigmaD)

2010 Programming Competition

Posted on 15th February 2010

Our longer running 2010 programming competition has just launched and you can find all the details on the site, There will be 5 problems to solve, one each week for the rest of the term, and some great prizes for the top solutions.

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch via email or IRC, and good luck to all who enter!

Exec Minutes - 10/12/2009

Posted on 10th December 2009

h2. Present:

Estel, Mogmiester, Trip, Azurit, Connorhd, Sinjo, Monk, bakaidiot_, Dirtus

h3. Apologies:


h2. Minutes

h3. Mahdi Shariff's e-mail

Mahdi Shariff sent an email asking for help to design a website. We ignored this for quite some time, but we need to forward the original email to interest, and email an apology to him, and tell him people interested in helping will contact him.
*Action*: Connor will sort this

h3. L4D2 Tournament

Estel presented the rules he had drawn up. They look good...

Exec Minutes - 3/12/2009

Posted on 3rd December 2009

h2. Present:

Estel, Mogmiester, Trip, Pepper, Connorhd, Sinjo, Monk

h3. Apologies:


h2. Minutes

h3. Clothing Order

This will go up soon.
*Action*: Connor to put up the clothing order signups on the events page

h3. SF4

Posters have been made. They will be put up over the coming week by Trip.

h3. Secret Santa

Estel will /msg and email people to tell them who they are buying presents for.c meeting. This will need to include start date, finish date and the rules of the tournament.

h3. L4D2


Exec Minutes - 26/11/2009

Posted on 26th November 2009

h2. Present:

Matthew Alves, Nathan Wong, Tim Monks, Connor Dunn. Chris Sinjakli, Claire Thomas, Tomas Pilar, Rebecca Chui

h2. Minutes

h3. SES

SES were denied. Despite Connor's attempt to get in touch with them, they never replied to us. The exec decided that we'd be happy to let them do stuff in CompSoc if they wanted.

h3. Food at Gaming

An email has been sent to the members. Should gaming continue to be left in a state after gaming further action will be taken.

h3. LAN

An email has been sent about ...