Archive date: January 2000
Minnits - 26th February 2000
Posted on 26th January 2000
h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits
h4. 26th February 2000
h4. Attended
* Chris Smith
* Chris Salmon
* Ryan Cullen
* Andrew Rudnicki
* Barry Boden
h4. Contents
* LAN Party
* LaserQuest
* AllNighter
* Tournament
h4. 1: LAN Party
Chris Smith has copied the AntiVirus disks. The early starts put people off, but not all. Baz to investigate switching.
h4. 2: LaserQuest
Next Wednesday, Chris Smith to book for about 3pm and mail members. Chris * 2 and Baz coming, possibly including Andy....
Minnits - 17th January 2000
Posted on 17th January 2000
h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits
h4. 17th January 2000
h4. Attended
* Chris Smith
* Chris Salmon
* Ryan Cullen
* Andrew Rudnicki
* Apologies from Barry
h4. Contents
* New Treasurer
* SU Courses
* CSV Gaming
* Magazines
* LAN Party
* Socials
* Risk Assessment Form
* Passwords
h4. 1: New Treasurer
The exec would like to wecome Ryan onto the team, and hope he can hope get the finances in order!
h4. 2: SU Courses
The following bookings are to be made my Chris Salmon,
Andy - EquiOpps Mon 5-...
Minnits - 10th January 2000
Posted on 10th January 2000
h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits
h4. 10th January 2000
h4. Attended
* Chris Smith
* Chris Salmon
* Barry Boden
* Andrew Rudnicki
h4. Contents
* Treasurer
* LAN Party
* Gaming at CSV
* Dreamcast
* Treasure Hunt
* Web
h4. 1: Treasurer
There has only been one applicant, and the exec have invited him to the next exec meeting.
h4. 2: LAN Party
Meeting rooms 2 and 3 have been booked for the Sunday at the end of week 14 from 9am to 4pm.
The exec are still investigating the possibility of bookin...