
Archive date: March 2016

Minutes 2016-03-16 (Term 2 Week 10)

Posted on 16th March 2016

Present: tanski, jai, kirby, dixon, rhiba, mcnutty, marmite

* David: Buy
* Collabative charity event (Meningitis Research Foundation).
* - Early term 3, on a Friday, before gaming, week 2 / 3, 8pm-10pm?
* - Big screen Smash tournament. £5 tournament for charity (too high?).
* - Ask for the screen for free otherwise Compsoc will eat it.
* - Advertising through Chapilancy screens, posters, etc.
* - Reserve the balcony of the Terrace Bar.
* Jai: book big screen soon for times above
* Alex: Add even...

Minutes 2016-03-09 (Term 2 Week 9)

Posted on 9th March 2016

* All: Update contact page
* CompSoc Tarp. "Current CompSoc Tarp is a roll of bubblewrap". Buy one and
we'll refund.
* Need to send out emails for Week 10 Laserquest.
* rayhaan or David: Someone set up email please.
* End-of-term handover meal: After Laserquest?
* Phillammon or Jai: Big screen?
* rhiba: Vertical banner
* Clothing order: Rhinnanon plans to sort out over Easter for start of Term 3.
* Jai: Check your emails

Kirby's Kronicle: ayy lmao

Minutes 2016-03-02 (Term 2 Week 8)

Posted on 2nd March 2016

* Person is making app for asking favours of others, Uber style. Launched at
Warwick. "Looking for people to take on the project". Recommended he goes to
the Facebook pages. He mentioned a potential hackathon.
* Rhiannon will get cleaning supplies (apparently)
* LAN Rota is done
* Pusher do hackathons, mcnutty met them at PHP UK.