Category: Meeting Minutes
CompSoc Minutes 18/04/2005
Posted on 18th April 2005
h3. CompSoc Minutes 18/04/2005
h4. In Attendance
* Phil Stoneman
* Ian Norris
* Tim Troy
* Adam Miles
* Chloe Dives
* Tim Retout
* Richard Wilson
* Chris Boyle
* Andrew Sully
h5. Apologies
* Sadiq Jaffer
h4. Bowling
Chloe has sorted out bowling and signups close tomorrow morning (19th April) with the event to go ahead on Thursday 21st. Due to the large amount of signups and many people needing lifts, Chloe will email the people going with details of bus times so most people can go on the same bu...
CompSoc Minutes 25/02/2005
Posted on 25th February 2005
h3. CompSoc Minutes 25/02/2005
h4. In Attendance
* Sadiq Jaffer
* Andrew Sully
* Tim Troy
* Tim Retout
* Chloe Dives
* Ian Norris
* Paul Broadbridge
* Richard Wilson
* Chris Boyle
* Chris Bates
* Euan MacGregor
* Peter Ellis
* Adam Miles
h4. IBM
Tim and Sadiq talked to Yvonne from IBM about the possibility of the following:
IBM to pay for the production of 200 Knoppix CDs to be distributed next year as was done this year. They may also donate 100 for the LUG project to develop device drivers, which...
CompSoc Minutes 15/10/2004
Posted on 15th October 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes 15/10/2004
h4. In attendence
* Richard Wilson
* John Smith
* Chris Boyle
* Tim Troy
* Andrew Sully
* Peter Ellis
* Graham Richardson
* Euan Magreggor
* Sadiq Jaffer
h4. Server Downtime
Richard Wilson informed the exec that the server downtime scheduled for this weekend would begin at 1:30 due to the badmintion society having signups for an event this weekend. Richard Wilson then asked if there were any further requests with regards to what time the servers would be taken down, th...
CompSoc Minutes - 2004/10/08
Posted on 8th October 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes 2004/10/08
h4. Present
* Peter Ellis
* Richard Wilson
* Chris Boyle
* Timothy Troy
* Andrew Sully
* Ian Norris
* Paul Broadbridge
* Michelle D'Israeli
Peter Ellis apologised for not posting the minutes from the last meeting to the exec list and thus read the minutes for approval.
h4. Membership
It was commented that the membership was 60 down from the end of last year. Richard Wilson asked the meeting if anybody thought this was a problem but pointed out that we usually get appr...
Minutes - 2004-10-01
Posted on 1st October 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes 2004/10/01
Peter Ellis stated that this term we are trying to keep the meetings short, and would people please use the exec list for status stuff?
h4. Summaries of work that has been done
The Exec requested that Richard Wilson and Chris Boyle post the state of the tech to the exec list.
The exec requested that Chris Boyle post the state of the new website to the exec list.
The exec requested that Peter Ellis and Michelle D'israeli post the current state of the academic side of th...
CompSoc Minutes - 2004/06/18
Posted on 18th June 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes - 2004/06/18
h4. In attendence
* David Buckley
* Chris Boyle
* Richard Wilson
* John Smith
* Michelle D'israeli
* Timothy Troy
* Andrew Sully
* Euan Maggreggor
h4. LAN
The Port Patch request has been sent with reply to
Richard Wilson and Chris Boyle were tasked to check the firewall scripts on bong; tt was agreed that the techteam woud review the policy on intenet access.
The exec formally agreed that the issue of music in the LAN rooms would be put ...
CompSoc Minutes - 2004/06/04
Posted on 4th June 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes - 2004/06/04
h4. Present
* David Buckley
* Timothy Troy
* Andrew Sully
* Christopher Boyle
* Richard Wilson
* Johnathan Smith
* Paul Broadbridge
* Peter Ellis
* Christian Bates
h4. TOS
Peter Ellis apologised for not redrafting these due to time constraints so the matter was left for later discussion.
h4. Music at LANs
It was decided that we should have 2 music servers, one in each room at the BFL.
h4. Logo Competiton
Peter Ellis was assigned to organise the logo compettion. It...
CompSoc Minutes - 2004/05/28
Posted on 28th May 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes - 2004/05/28
h4. Present
* Richard Wilson
* Paul Broadbridge
* Peter Ellis
* Chris Boyle
* Chris Endicott
* David Buckley
* Christian Bates
* Timothy Troy
* Andrew Sully
h4. Progamming competition
Peter Ellis, Richard Wilson and Andrew Sully to sort the details
h4. Exams
There was a suggerston to suspend exec meetings for the duration of exams, it was agreed that this was not a sensible idea.
h4. Socials
Paul broadbridg tol the exec he had organised another social which is a ci...
CompSoc Minute - 2004/05/21
Posted on 21st May 2004
h3. CompSoc Minute - 2004/05/21
h4. Present
* David Buckley
* Timothy Troy
* Euan McGreggor
* Andrew Sully
* Christopher Boyle
* Richard Wilson
* Johnathan Smith
* Paul Broadbridge
* Christian Bates
* Matt Bergin
* Can Kavaklioglu
h4. Donation of Hardware
Matt Bergin offered us a machine for hosting space for Warwick comedy, the specs of which are detailed below. A discussion on the uses of said machine and the services would be rendered for the donation of said machine was briefly held but was pos...
CompSoc Minutes - 2004/05/14
Posted on 14th May 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes - 2004/05/14
h4. Present
* John Aldis (visitor)
* Chris Endicott (visitor)
* Peter Ellis
* Richard Wilson
* Christian Bates (ex exec)
* Euan MacGregor (ex exec)
* Paul Broadbridge
* Timothy Troy
* Andrew Sully
* David Buckley
* Chris Boyle
h4. Piazza Leaflet and Freshers Fayre Stand
Peter Ellis apologised for not having begun work on the freshers fayre stand and was joblisted to actually do this.
Paul Broadbridge distributed printed copies of the draft Piazza leaflet however to ...