Coming Events
Posted on 5th October 2004
It's the start of a new academic year so there's several things to mention. Firstly our Linux User Group Meetings have already kicked off, these are every Wednesday at 7.30pm in Xanana's. Next the Freshers' Social is this Saturday in a meeting room in Union North where Food and Drink will be provided. Come along meet fellow members and learn more about our society. Next we have a Cinema Trip planned for the Sunday afternoon at the end of Week 3 and our first LAN the following week, more details in a forthcoming newsletter. Other events are being planned so stay tuned and look at our events page regularly. I look forward to seeing you soon.
NeXuS7 (Social Secretary)
Edited by Paul Broadbridge on 2004-10-05 11:46:27.
Edited by Christopher Boyle on 2004-10-07 01:38:05.