UWCS Exec Minutes - Fri, 26th January 2007
Posted on 26th January 2007
h3. Present
* Andrew Wheat (Candle)
* David Buckley (bucko)
* Arun Prassanan (Polar)
* Bruce Tinton (Bruce)
* Tim Retout (Tim)
* Chris Lamb (lamby)
h2. 1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Fred Emmott, and the WUGLUG organising committee, who had arranged for Chris to appear on their behalf.
h2. 2. Open Tickets
The open tickets were considered. Andrew noted that Fred had been pursuing insomnia that day. Andrew agreed to talk to the DCS technicians about igor. It was agreed that the ticket relating to MySQL's reliability should be marked "WONTFIX".
h2. 3. Programming Competition
This was discussed at some length. It was agreed to extend the deadline for entries.
h2. 4. Whiteboard fine
Bruce reported that the society had been fined £3 for unauthorised use of a whiteboard. The exec denied all knowledge, and asked Bruce to query this.
h2. 5. AGM
Bruce submitted the idea to open nominations open the next day, and proxy votes would open a week before the AGM. Bucko suggested opening nominations three weeks before the AGM, on Wednesday. It was agreed that Bruce should add a news item to the website, and send relevant emails.
h2. 6. Guest talk
Andrew asked for several hundred flyers, to be published by Wednesday. It was also agreed to produce posters, to be put on the external Union notice boards, the L3 notice boards, in DCS and the various computer rooms.
Andrew authorised the purchase of 100 A3 posters, 1000 A6 flyers, and two packs of drawing pins.
It was agreed to note that there would be a "social event afterwards", on the publicity.
h2. 7. A.O.B.
h3. 7.1 DCS Talk
Arun noted the existence of a DCS Computer Graphics lecture on 26th February at 10am. It was agreed to advise the members of this, without spending money.
h2. 8. Next meeting
7:30pm, 2nd February 2007.