Newsletter for 16 May 2007

Posted on 16th May 2007

Newsletter - Gaming, WUGLUG & Cinema Socials


Here's the weekly newsletter. A quick thanks to everyone who came to the LAN, we hope that you enjoyed it. A quick reminder that the Society will be holding the BFL event in Week 10 of this term.

h4. Timetable

This week and next week:

* Wednesday 16th May, 19:00, WUGLUG Meeting, Phantom Coach
* Friday 18th May, 18:00, MR6, SU-North Tech Team Meeting
* Friday 18th May, 19:00, The Bar, Pre-gaming Social
* Friday 18th May 20:00, Gaming Session, CS0.01, Computer Science Department
* Monday 21st May 19:30 - Social, City Arms, Earlsdon
* Tuesday 22nd May, 16:00 - Exec Meeting, MR3
* Wednesday 23rd May, 19:00 - WUGLUG, Probably Phantom Coach (it is Term 3!)
* Friday 25th May, 18:30, Social, Warwick Student Cinema (L3), Hot Fuzz (the film)

h4. Notices

* Backus/Codd/Twilight/Bermuda are not available due to the recent security breach. This is being fixed as quickly as possible, more details are to follow.


Society Books: WUGLUG and CompSoc have the opportunity to request sample review books from O'Reily, in return we have to write a small review. You can request that we ask for a book by emailing the WUGLUG list.

Network Cable: Can be obtained by emailing the exec, cost 0.40 + 20p per metre, e.g. 0.40 + (5 x 0.2) = £1.40 (5 metres), 0.40 + (10 * 0.20) = £2.40 (10 metres) etc.

Disk Space: Why not upgrade your CompSoc account disk quota? £2.50 for 500Mb, email the tech team to upgrade your account.


Thats all for now folks!

Si Hammond

Postgraduate - PhD,
High Peformance Systems Group,
University of Warwick, UK
simon.hammond at