Minutes - 5th November 2014

Posted on 5th November 2014

Present: veltas, marmite, hermit, zed0, mcnutty, rayhaan, hir

Next meeting: Wed 12th November, 1pm

h1. Marmite's Musings

-Exec members should put less effort into running the society, and more into being funny in meetings. My editorial needs content!

h1. Academic

-Choose regular curiositea coding time

h1. Gaming

-Games survey for new stuff

h1. Tech

-Edit titles on forum, make exec admins

h1. Social

-Citizen Four - may be of interest to members, put in newsletter

h1. Publicity

-UWCS business cards - website, email, event info, hermit to look into
-Microsoft networking event to be advertised to members

h1. Misc

-Warwick Tech - not a society, so SU insurance won't cover lent equipment. Possible only on joint events
-Look into Secretary's gavel and Exec capes

h1. Action overflow:

h2. All Exec

h2. veltas

-organise academic event - programming comps
-contact curiositea, choose regular coding in curiositea time
-seek new sponsors
-send marmite minecraft admin cheat sheet

h2. maddy

-rewrite site frontpage description for rayhaan
-society games survey

h2. rayhaan

-reduce spam emails
-steam in DCS?
-colour coding for external events on site
-update site front page description to include gaming
-ask ITS for rack space
-take IBM logo off site

h2. marmite

-clothing order
-insomnia volunteering, xbone week 7 gaming choices for games in newsletter
-newsletter: insomnia volunteering, xbone week 7 games, citizen four, microsoft networking week 8
-edit forum titles and admin rights
-price a gavel

h2. robot

-laserquest/cosmo wednesday week 8/9
-keep varsity booking and site events up to date

h2. mcnutty

-look into payment system for site
-price exec capes

h2. zed0

h2. hermit

-update society posters
-events on site news section
-facebook group
-society business cards
-society games survey