Minutes - 3/3/2010
Posted on 3rd March 2010
h2. Present:
MrWilson, Mogmiester, Dirtus, Cranman, Fyorl, TeamDoherty, Agaeki, Zed0, Azurit, Trip, SigmaD
h2. Minutes:
h3. Emails/Mailing List and Website:
-Fyorl needs the mailman password to do things.
-Monk may or may not have added people to the mailing list already.
-Exec Bios need updating
-Admins can rewrite the entire website. (Don't do that)
h3. Dirtus' Si... Football:
-Dirtus wondered if anyone was interested in a 5 a side game.
-Will be mentioned in newsletter.
h3. Pokemon Social:
-There is an event advertising Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
-Taking place in Nuneaton.
-Sometime next month.
-TeamDoherty suggested using the union's people carriers.
-WGD is also interested.(Forging better relations isn't a bad idea.)
h3. Gaming:
-Agaeki is now gaming bitch/officer.
-Steam: There are some fixes for macs, so maybe there will be improvement for linux?
-"Expect something in the next 2-4 years"-TeamDoherty
-Agaeki needs access to Aurora.(Admin for games)
-Check Steam status.
*Action*: Agaeki and Fyorl need to talk to Roger to get gaming passwords, ideally with Mulletron.
h3. Keys:
-Fyorl will have the Tech. keys.
-Agaeki will have the Gaming keys, since TeamDoherty has no DCS access.
-MrWilson will have the academic keys.
*Action*: MrWilson needs to get the keys from Sinjo/Connor
h3. Game Tournaments & Posters:
-There is a tournament framework on the website.
-Fyorl suggests a RUA tournament.
-People could enter in pairs in a L4D tournament.
-Trip makes awesome posters, but already makes posters for 4-6 societies.
-Having a publicity officer make posters is better than random exec making rubbish posters.
h3. Real Ale Festival:
-We should 'just go' and meet outside.
-"Oh yeah, shit, it's tomorrow" - Dirtus
h3. Budget:
-Need to talk to Monk.
-Things that may or may not be budgeted for: Server racks, Servers, Wires, Power supplies, Aero-dynamic computer cases, Generators, Components for a nuclear reactor.
-Budget needs to be done by end of term(Unconfirmed).
h3. Future Exec meetings:
*Action*: Secretary will make something on GoogleDocs to establish what times people are free.
-Dirtus should make a tea social after every meeting.
h3. Misc:
-TeamDoherty could do with a sandwich.
-The Secretary has pens wrapped for freshness.
-Dirtus may as well schedule CuriosiTEA events every day.
-MrWilson is in favour of perpetuiTEA.
-The Secretary needs better shorthand.
-We should play Sins of a Solar Empire: "See you next week."
-MrWilson likes pie charts.
-Girls stack with diminishing returns.
h2. Next Meeting:
-To be Confirmed.