Minutes 22/04/15
Posted on 22nd April 2015
h1. Academic
-Rockets - probably going to be delayed until after exams (not during Lan)
-Sponsorship - WILL AND MARMITE NEED TO GET OFF THEIR ASSES - will has part written a letter that will be sent out
-IBM trip - Will got a trip offered to us, any time really, probably mid term 1 next year. “Emerging technologies” - get the department to advertise?
-Speakers for next term - divide up list of contacts and give each exec people to talk to, rayhaan will do talks next term
h1. Gaming
-Big screen shenanigans? - organise more - during BFL - wednesday or tuesday during day
-LAN films? Dictate within the exec - schedule on saturday of exam lan (Hackers)
h1. Tech
-Cluster (is openstack still on the networking naughty step?)- now working
h1. Social
h1. Publicity
h1. Misc
-OMGWTFBBQ - reserve in advance, end of week 8, sat, advertise
-Going back to Phoach next year!
h1. Action overflow:
h1. All Exec
h1. phillammon
-book out big screen for 2 hours sometimes in BFL (daytime, preferably tues/wed)
h1. rhiba
-book bbq
h1. maddy
h1. rayhaan
-migrate gallery so we can upload stuff!
-fix planet compsoc
-fix anime/all mailing lists.
h1. marmite
h1. robot
-get phoach menu
h1. mcnutty
h1. hermit