Minutes - 22 April 2003

Posted on 22nd April 2003

h3. Compsoc Exec Minutes

h4. 22 April 2003

h4. Present

* Phil Stoneman
* Christian Bates
* Sadiq Jaffer
* Christopher Boyle
* Euan MacGregor
* David Buckley

h4. Activity Day

To be held in week six of the first term of next year. A subset of the exec will meet discuss the details of this.

h4. Dr Solomon's Lecture

The room has been booked, although it was decided to try to get a larger room.

h4. Freshers fair

The board we have will be split into halves, with one half covering the academic aspect of Compsoc and the other about the social aspect. Provided we have access to the right equipment, video of people playing games, coding on the OSP etc. will also be made to be shown.

h4. Leaflet for piazza

Should piazza accept, this leaflet will be included in the pack all first years get, and should raise awareness of the society.

h4. Visiting lectures

Two people to visit the first large CS lectures of the first term of next year and plug Compsoc. It was suggested that one person talk about the academic side, and the other about the social side. Phil and Sadiq volunteered to do this.

h4. Programming Competition

This is likely to be held in the second term, after the first years have had learnt some programming skills.

h4. Perl tutorial

Room to be booked, possibly A0.23. Instead of just having slides, David said he'd borrow a laptop and the AnimeSoc's projector to do the presentation.

h4. LAN

Given the proximity of the LAN to exams, we've decided to shorten the LAN so that it runs from Friday evening to Saturday night. Signups to open on Friday 25th of April at 12:00pm.

h4. Servers

Much of the discussion on this subject was deferred until the new technical officer (Richard Wilson) returns. It was noted that there is now a gallery for photos.

h4. Newsletters

These should be coming out with greater frequency, possibly one every two weeks. The next one should feature the Dr Solomon talk and the LAN.

h4. Socials

We're planning to hold a Compsoc social in the third term, probably to watch the new Matrix film when it comes out.