Minutes 2019-01-28
Posted on 28th January 2019
- Present :: Everyone! On time, too! It's a Christmas miracle!
- WASD is happening this weekend!
- STILL not heard anything from Twitch about whether we get the front page slot. We're chasing this up.
- One run has pulled out of the event (four exec look guilty), and so the schedule for each day is slightly shorter. Not a bad thing, because the days were kinda long and it simplifies the audio setup a bit.
- Looking at hiring audio gear, David I is sorting this out.
- Sponsors have basically blanked us, in most cases. We're trying to find one.
- Tests from last week went well.
- We'll need Amelie's car to move stuff to and from WASD (and to make a getaway afterwards).
- Gaming is happening while WASD is (and also the Friday night).
- We do have big screen coverage for some of the weekend.
- We want the room locked both nights if we can get it.
- We have things for the raffle.
- We have quite a few coming up!
- The Room
- Toby will be the guardian of Gaming while we're out.
- Real Ale
- TPP Pub Quiz
- Creams Week 8-ish?
- Trampolining?
- At the same time?
- No.
- End of Term Meal
- At the Farmhouse
The LANgover
- No drunk people allowed. No alcohol at LAN.
- LAN will happen, otherwise, as normal.
- Keep mentioning it on the Discord, on Facebook, etc.
- Advertise a lot.
- We need to make a large, concerted, and conscious effort to get people who are not currently exec to run. This is how the society stays healthy.
- The AGM will be Friday Week 7, just before Gaming (6pm-8pm).
- We need to advertise FREE PIZZA and talk about how FREE the PIZZA at the FREE-PIZZA-AGM is.
- We'll announce the AGM later this week.
- We want to additionally send a couple of emails describing the roles we have to offer.
- We should make it clear that people who intend to run for an exec position should be willing to help out at LAN Week 6.
- We'll prepare a presentation, and an awards ceremony.
Society Points of Order
- We need to talk about several society issues at the AGM (so it need to be 2 hours to allow for this):
- Should we make our membership free?
- Should we rename our society?
- Issues that we are also an academic society needs to also be considered when doing this.
- How we deal with programming workshops in the future (alternatively, do we offer something different instead?).
- Sanity-checking our schedule - do we want to maintain the historic two LANs, Gaming, Pub schedule? Or does it need an update?
- The Vive no longer fits in the box (because of the wireless adapter), so we store it externally now.
- Clothing Order. Should probably happen fairly soon. We're thinking after the AGM.
David I, exasperated: "It doesn't fit!"
David I: "You. You fuck-nose."
Ryan: "It had better have an appropriately-sized opening."
Sam - Email Alan about LIB2.