Minutes 2018-05-08 (Term 3 Week 3)
Posted on 8th May 2018
Present: David I, Sam, David II, Amelie
Late: Rob, Ed
Absent: Everyone else. Obviously.
TPP Pub Quiz
- Happening this Friday.
- We have The Graduate from 6pm, should arrive at about 6:30pm to get things in order. Unsure when David I is meeting the TPP representative.
- Prospective attendance around 30 based on Facebook event, hoping for slightly more.
- Signups should close soon, need to define a hard deadline.
- We've been asked for a WASD schedule, which is a little early. We want to give people at least three weeks of notice, but it isn't ready yet. Can sort this out one Gaming (when Jai is around).
- Jai has proposed a new WASD equipment setup, costing in the range of £120. This comprises audio mixers and cables primarily. We have plenty of money to support this, and should be happy to sign off on it.
- The society currently only owns USB microphones, need to check how this can work with the proposed setup, maybe buy adaptors.
- We need a logo for WASD - at this stage, it may be worth contracting the design of that work to someone on fiverr.
- We'd need to provide a rough colour scheme and idea.
- Jai has been working on a set of overlays using nodecg, he's doing great and we appreciate it.
- Thinking of giving every WASD participant something from the Discord swag bag, or similar.
BFL Tournaments
- Already being asked for a schedule, again. We'll work this out alongside WASD.
- In terms of prizes, Sam Hine is reaching out to people (update: he popped by, and confirmed that they haven't heard back from Overclockers yet), and we have the ROG headset.
- We can also use some of our Discord and Twitch swag.
- Also may be worth setting aside some society money to get some good prizes.
- Need about 6 prizes for Overwatch, 3 (1st-3rd) for Hearthstone, and some number for the Random Indie Game tournament.
- Random Indie Games prizes to be arranged.
- Need to 3D-print a trophy.
- A £15 Steam voucher for 1st place in Random Indie Games seems appropriate.
- Hearthstone prizes could be 3D-printed cards.
- Blizzard also do Hearthstone merch.
- Overwatch prizes could be pop figures, but we can look into this further.
- Hearthstone logistics need to be organised, that's to be arranged at a future meeting with eSports present.
Gaming Officers
- No formal applications, will defer this discussion to a future exec meeting.
- itshappening.gif
- Landing page complete!
- David I is working on a login system.
- We're now an OAuth provider!
- Need to build many things, including event system, ticketing, etc.
- eSports have kindly provided an API key to their membership lists.
- Plan is to use this for organising most LAN things in the future, and it's all rather exciting.
- We'd like to launch this in Week 5-6.
- We need to establish consent for keeping the data of our old members. Next email this needs to be made extremely clear.
- Gaming is a little dead nowadays, and we want to change that.
- Rock Band was always a massive pull, and we should have it in the Atrium at the beginning of next year.
- We need to push for a higher attendance, but how much of this can happen before next year is frankly questionable.
- We really need to make things "just work" on our systems, revival of gaming-get, using Lutris, and making games easy to run and use.
- Overwatch is a bit of a lost cause for a while; we need a new version of RedHat.
- Also can set up our own Wifi.
- Maybe get another console.
- Our advertising is a little CS-focused, and this may be limiting our audience.
- Need to look at using the big screen, and developing material for it.
- Utilise the SU street team to distribute our flyers. It costs £50, but that's more than affordable.
- Advertising for BFL needs to happen around the same time that signups open.
David II - Put hard deadline on WASD signups (next Wednesday, 12pm).
David I - Ask Jai about USB mics vs jack mics.
Sam - Play excessive amounts of Hearthstone.
Sam - Place GDPR notice in large letters on the next email.
David I - Make SU big screen images, send to Sam.
Sam - Organise street team advertising.
David II - Develop list of Indie Games for the tournament.
David I - "That's off the record"