Minutes 2018-02-20 (Term 2 Week 7)
Posted on 20th February 2018
Present: David I, David II, Sam, Elliot, Amelie, Ed, Callum, Rob, Adam
Absent: Everyone else. Obviously.
- Do we have everything for LAN?
- Need bin bags and Dettol.
- Possibly look into giving Discord swag to LAN attendees/competition winners.
- Possible tournaments include Wii Sports and BitBlaster XL.
- Why is LAN attendance decreasing?
- End of term fatigue and workloads.
- Bad signup system, look into getting this sorted by BFL.
- This is somewhat redundant. Elliot and Adam are the only two that really have to do this.
- The rest of us will have deep, introspective meetings with ourselves.
Gaming Officers
- Need to appoint some (and tell Silver when we do).
- Identified some candidates, we will approach in the short term.
3D Printer
- Not really been used much.
- Possibly host workshops about using it next term/during freshers' week next year.
- Split #announcements into #announcements, #social-announcements, #lan-announcements
Sam - Notify people about server downtime, next Friday 1-2pm.
David I - "This is the fable of how CompSoc enabled its cables."