Minutes - 2004-10-01
Posted on 1st October 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes 2004/10/01
Peter Ellis stated that this term we are trying to keep the meetings short, and would people please use the exec list for status stuff?
h4. Summaries of work that has been done
The Exec requested that Richard Wilson and Chris Boyle post the state of the tech to the exec list.
The exec requested that Chris Boyle post the state of the new website to the exec list.
The exec requested that Peter Ellis and Michelle D'israeli post the current state of the academic side of the society to the exec list.
Peter Ellis stated that the LAN rooms have been booked and that he would post the details to the exec list and put the details in the events system also.
h4. Freshers Fayre
Peter Ellis requested that people send an E-mail to the exec list stating
when they are available to help on the freshers fayre stand.
At this point the exec voted to add Ian Norris to the exec list as he is becoming heavily involved in the running of the society.
The exec asked Andrew Sully about the status of the promotional posters. He replied that they were ready to be used after the "Poster spam" image had been removed and the IBM logo had been added.
Ian Norris was asked for the status of the freshers fayre video. He replied that work was progressing and it should be ready but more footage was needed.
h4. Socials
The exec decided that we wanted both a welcome meeting and to make an effort to
transport new members to the pub social.
The exec agreed that we want the welcome meeting to be on a Friday night before
The exec agreed that driving new members to the pub was a bad idea as it
will tie them to needing lifts. It was agreed that escorting them on the bus route was a good idea.
Michelle D'israeli informed the exec that she had arranged for an area of the city arms to be reserved for us for the Monday pub socials. The exec commended her for this.
h4. AOB
The exec as a whole requested that anyone who needs help should ask for it and it would be volunteered.
Ian Norris informed the exec that he had a C++ for Java programmers tutorial ready to give at some point, he was commended for this by the exec.
Peter Ellis agreed to book the BFL this week for the same dates as it was last year.