Minutes - 2003-10-04

Posted on 4th October 2003

h3. CompSoc Exec Minutes

h4. Present

* Christian Bates
* Phil Stoneman
* Richard Wilson
* Chris Boyle
* Euan MacGregor
* Apologies from Sadiq.

h4. Finances

We have a total budget of £528.32, with an expected extra £300 - £500 from membership.

h4. Freshers Fayre

Members of the exec need to be present before 9am to help setup and register (so the society exists for the fayre). Phil will print out a form for freshers to fill in with e.g. real email address, LUG membership preference, but not Molotov account.

h4. First event

Thursday 7:30 - 9:30.

h4. Server room

Phil has spoken to Steve Pretty (SSDO) about this, we might get something within a few weeks.

h4. Notworking

ITS have been changing networking settings constantly throughout the previous week. The Onion didn't forward these changes onto us, so we've had to resort to other means to provide external access. The IP for Molotov will also change in the future.

h4. LAN

Phil still to be contacted with regard to power leeching as the downstairs room is booked. Next LAN to be held at the end of week 8.

h4. LUG

There was a NAT tutorial last Wednesday. Desktop tutorial still to be done, Chris has a draft of the command line tutorial, which will start after the first lecture of CS120.

h4. Old sun hardware

Phil has spoken to Rodger Packwood about obtaining old hardware. The current approach (as recommended by the bean counters) is to send them to a company for destruction, but we might be able to aquire some if someone high up in the Union was to ask someone in the upper escleons of power in the University about if the Union as a whole can obtain some of them (provided they are PAT tested).

h4. Starcraft Tutorials

Christian Bates will do this. To be held in weeks 8,9 and 10.