Minutes 18/02/2015

Posted on 19th February 2015

Present: rayhaan, mcnutty, hermit, phillammon, kirby, rhiba, murtag

Next meeting: Wed 25th February, 1pm

h1. Academic

-contact with Michelle D'Israeli - she posted on facebook group, Will messaged her (shes past exec) she hasn’t replied
-contact with DCS - phillammon and mcnutty went to see matt leeke and roger, theyre happy with gaming, things seemed good, matt wants to have events with us and share resources, appear at open days with oculus. Want people on the new DCS website (preferably computing students), we can possibly use their drones/3D printers, they want a compsoc person on the SSLC, but matt will relay this. Make sure lab is clear after gaming, doesnt seem to be a problem any more though. May be possible to book out lab in future if we dont mess up. Matt loves us.
-contact with BCS - email from james merchant, BCS got in contact about setting up a student chapter, turns out warwick tech did it first. Will sent an email about how warwick tech arent an official society because BCS have a policy to go to university affiliated society first. To be continued..
-Rayhaan wants to do a talk, to be continued, maybe a Latex Talk?

h1. Gaming

-Talked about piazza gaming, decided we'll bring the WiiU and Mario Kart and Smash only.
-DCS drones for BFL

h1. Tech

-deprecating warwickcompsoc.co.uk - moved mailman to uwcs.co.uk so dont renew

h1. Social

h1. Publicity

-Talked about flyers/posters again, hermit still working on it.

h1. Misc

-UWCS first contact - Will wants to go to space - warwick rockets have a high altitude ballooning projects, we should work with them, arduino and camera? phone? Two phones streamed to oculus rift? 30km high!
-some woman contacted Alice from theatre studies. Running a project about filmaking/hacking thing. Newsletter the flier.
-going to work on socs committee stuff about getting in both categories
-Discussion about music server again, people feel its being too policed.

h1. Action overflow:

h1. All Exec

h1. phillammon

h1. rhiba

-spam freshers page
-irc guide

h1. maddy

h1. rayhaan

-migrate gallery so we can upload stuff!
-fix planet compsoc

h1. marmite

h1. robot

h1. mcnutty

h1. hermit

-update society posters
-society business cards
-occulus in FB group
-reply to woman, forward email to R.Michelmore@warwick.ac.uk
-take promo shots of LAN (no dumb stuff happening)