Minutes 16-02-2012
Posted on 19th February 2012
h2. Present:
MrWilson, Cranman, TeamDoherty, zed0, MikeCobra, Goshawk, Moltenfire, James, Ruth, agaeki, SigmaD
h2. Minutes
h3. Compsoc constitution
-The legendary Compsoc constitution has been found and it was passed around in all its photocopied glory for all to witness.
h3. Sci-fi society room request
-Permission has been granted for sci-fi society to use Lib1 on Wednesday of BFL from approximately 2-7pm.
-Popular suggestions included “stamping biscuits in the floor” and “removing all tables and chairs” before giving them the room. However, these were ultimately rejected.
-The state of the room will be checked afterwards to ensure we are not blame for any possible misconduct.
h3. Progcomps
-Prizes and suggestions for the competitions were discussed.
h3. Bletchley Park
-The paperwork has been completed and it has been decided the currently planned date will be used despite the timing during summer term.
-One minibus and possibly one people carrier will transport people there and back.
-The trip will be visiting the gift shop and packed lunches will be brought. Mr Wilson would love a packed lunch, unfortunately it seems like he will have to make his own.
h3. Recycling at LANs
-The issue of grease stopping the pizza boxes from being recycled was brought up.
-More bins will be bought so recycling can be organized. Moltenfire will be in charge of this.
-”Are you in charge of buying bins?” “Yes, I have a collection.”
h3. Gaming ideas
-Defcon to be tried out as a possible new game.
-Due to the awkward times for watching SC2, the revolutionary idea of Teacraft was created.
-An email will be sent out to gauge interest in a SC2 tournament, with the finals possibly at BFL.
h3. New servers
-Goggins and jess will be replaced in the upcoming weeks, with the server companies to be decided on.
-Private GIT will be implemented for Compsoc members.
-The problems with backus cannot be diagnosed, P2P will be implemented at gaming to increase download speeds.
h3. Facebook Group
-zed0 is to resurrect the facebook group and to look at implementing automatic updates from the UWCS website.
h3. New consoles and their use
-One Kinect, Wiis, controllers and a new Rock Band drum pedal will be bought for gaming.
-Permission was granted for Warwick Game Design society to use our gaming equipment as long as Mike is present.
h3. Music server upgrades
-MrWilson will be adding a number of features to the music server to improve LANs.
h3. The resurrection of XING
-A popular idea was to start “brown bag” talks-a short talk each week introducing members to a new topic.