Minutes - 12th November 2014
Posted on 12th November 2014
Present: veltas, marmite, robot, hermit, mcnutty, rayhaan, maddy
Next meeting: Wed 19th November, 1pm
h1. Marmite's Musings
-Our esteemed Treasurer is not to self approve use of society funds on hookers and blow. Even if it is a way of life.
-CompSoc is not a military, and we don't hand out medals for service. Or ribbons. Sorry Veltas.
-Befriending the Socs Fed has borne fruit, as we got LAN sorted, and the Socs Committee actually rejected an application to do something we already do.
-Business school students wanting CompSoc members to provide free app programming may be subjected to 'Robot's Den' as a test of their fortitude.
-We are the US in our 'special relationship' with WGD. We're still not a military though.
-Maddy is building a new comupter. Please tell her horror stories about everything that could go wrong.
h1. Academic
-Week 9 Functional Programming talk
h1. Gaming
-Talk to Mr Marshall about gaming
h1. Tech
-Mailing list unsubscribe function
h1. Social
-Secret santa - event to go up, signup deadline 8th week, exchange 9th week, £5 limit
h1. Publicity
-Website events need putting up for coding
h1. Misc
-Clothing order to happen next term
-Capes to be bought on exec members' own money
h1. Action overflow:
h2. All Exec
h2. veltas
-organise academic event - programming comps
-contact curiositea
-seek new sponsors
-send marmite minecraft admin cheat sheet
-put coding events on website
-organise week 9 functional programming talk
h2. maddy
-rewrite site frontpage description for rayhaan
-society games survey
h2. rayhaan
-reduce spam emails
-steam in DCS?
-colour coding for external events on site
-update site front page description to include gaming
-rack space
-take IBM logo off site
-mailing list unsubscribe function
h2. marmite
-price clothing orders
-contact Mr Marshall
h2. robot
-laserquest/cosmo wednesday week 8/9
-put secret santa event up
h2. mcnutty
-look into payment system for site
-price exec capes
h2. zed0
h2. hermit
-update society posters
-events on site news section
-facebook group
-society business cards
-society games survey