Meeting Notes 11-11-2020
Posted on 11th November 2020
Present: Amelie, Dan, John, Ryan, Scott, Thomas, Toby
Absent: Daisy
- Academic
- Lightning talks-
- Speakers
- John Topic TBD
- Sam/Finnbar Karaoke talk
- Searching for third
- Poke DCS to get the academic talks advertised properly - DO THIS
- Speakers
- G-Research Code Event
- Week 8
- Groups of 3-5
- Series of challenges to build an NLP engine
- Lightning talks-
- Gaming
- Picking games is hard
- Running a drop-in game as a deliberate event may garner interest
- Gaming is...okay, it works but attendance very uneven
- Week 8 - Weekend
- Pick a Christmassy name
- Strawpoll for name
- LAN games tournaments
- Need to research games in advance
- Opportunities
- Extra channel for student things we'd like to promote that aren't sponsored.
- Would be nice, doesn't drown out other announcements or official opportunities
- Curated from requests for things we consider to be relevant and useful
- If unsolicitied posting becomes a problem again in future, revisit it.
- Extra channel for student things we'd like to promote that aren't sponsored.
- Opening ports - Sent reply stating it is still relevant
- Advent of Code -
- Aim to push it more as everyone is remote and it would be a fun thing to get more people involved in.
- Produce Mentor guide
- Produce Synopsis