Minutes 10/12/2010
Posted on 10th December 2010
h2. Present:
Zed0, cranman, Azurit, Agaeki, TeamDoherty, MrWilson, Zaer, MikeCobra, EvilGenius666, Dirtus, SigmaD.
h2. Minutes:
h3. Tech. Issues:
-Most problems are now resolved.
-Codd had suprise downtime.
-Albanian Hacker Team showed up in IRC. Spammed bots.
-‘Why no services?’ - Albanian Hacker Team
-‘We literally got caught with our trousers down.’ - MrWilson
-Only Fyorl has server ops of the current exec - may be resolved.
-Backus was sad, was restarted, repaired file system.
-PhysicsSoc lost a database.
-Techteam wiki needs updating.
h3. Gaming/LAN:
-Minecraft Server updated.
-Gaming software on Backus should work.
-LanCam images moved from Dijkstra to Backus.
-’Should now be a case of turn on Dijkstra, plug in web-cam, done.’
h3. Academic Talks:
-No talk this week. Another Wednesday off for MrWilson.
h3. Christmas:
-MrWilson will sort out Academic/Company stuff over Christmas.
h3. CS Fresher Coursework:
-MikeCobra didn’t have enough print statements containing ‘penis’, ‘your mum’ or puns based around the word maze.
h3. Misc:
-‘You’ve got a pretty colourful penis there Azurit’ - MrWilson
-‘Computers are awesome.’ - Fyorl