Minnits - 8 March 2003

Posted on 8th March 2003

h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits

h4. 8 March 2003

h4. Present

* David Buckley
* Phil Stoneman
* Henry Southgate
* Adam Bowen
* Christian Bates
* James Ross
* Richard Wilson
* Euan MacGregor
* Christopher Boyle
* David de la Motte
* Sadiq Jaffer
* Christopher Fanning

h4. Guest Lecture

"Dr Solomon" agreed to do a talk. Phil to confirm date and ask about travelling costs. The talk is likely to be about programming and personal anecdotes about starting a business. It was suggested that we use one of the library lecture theatres for the talk.

h4. Activity Session

This is basically a group learning session on some of the more interesting aspects of Computer Science. The structuring so far is to cover four topics over an afternoon, with a ten minute talk on that topic followed by (randomly selected) groups of four working on a problem related to the current topic over an hour, hand in their work and move onto the next topic. To finish off, there might be a general (computer related) knowledge quiz, then finally the marking and prize giving. Topics that were suggested we use were:
* Towers of Hanoi (i.e. recursion)
* The Seven Bridges of Koenigsberg (i.e. graph theory)
Further discussion to happen in the next term on when, where and other topics.

h4. Perl Tutorial

David Buckley obtained Henry's slides and is to book the room.

h4. Comic Relief

Phil finished the poster, but was to revise the map before we could post it around campus. Recommended locations for putting up posters were the labs in DCS, the Ramphal building and either end of the ITS corridor. Phil is to make printouts of the posters and distribute to the exec via their pigeon holes, and to also make an announcement to the appropriate newsgroups. Entry fee was decided at two pounds per person. People to be placed in teams of four at random, with teams competing in a league style (rather than a knockout style). It was decided to only allow people to join in up until about an hour after the announced start time. In anticipation of more people turning up than available PCs, Phil is to check with ITS that we can use the other PC lab. In the interests of raising more money, bids can be countered (and the counter-bids can be countered and so on). Things that can be bought include changing the server settings, swapping teams. Sadiq is to talk to the administrators of the local Direct Connect hub about getting them to advertise our tournament in their MOTD, and Phil is to add a plug to the various MOTDs on the services.

h4. Society Jobs

Some societies need help setting up sites. James to publish his websetup script. Sadiq suggested inviting members to help out by offering their services which are to then be pooled and then people can be assigned to work on specific jobs, with someone from the exec overseeing the job. David Buckley to write a system to help organise this, although the requirements for this system need more discussing. Christian to talk to the LARP society and Sadiq to mail the Polis society about what requirements they have.

h4. LANs

LAN rooms to be booked tonight.

h4. Shop

David Buckley has fixed it. Phil is to update the list of books present. David Buckley suggested extending the interface to the shop so that e.g. http://www.warwickcompsoc.co.uk/shop/cs118 would bring up a page listing all books related to the course CS118. James to implement this.

h4. Servers

It is desired that each server run as a different user for security reasons. David Buckley to administrate the tetrinet server, Robert Stacey to administrate the Quake3 servers. Richard Wilson will perform a security audit.