Minnits - 31 October 2001
Posted on 31st October 2001
h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits
h4. 31 October 2001
h4. Present
* Jake Staines
* Chris Smith
* James Ross
* Richard Colfer
* Tom Cropper
* Henry Southgate
* Tom Ward
The exec meeting started with a 1024ms silence, to respect the passing of a dear friend. With the release of Windows XP, and the Win9x/ME line being finally phased out, the days of one of our greatest childhood friends are now past.
h4. Campus Gaming League
An idea was mooted that, in the absence of inter-university gaming, we could start a Warwick Gaming League, with teams from around the university competing.
However, due to a lack of a server, this will be put on hold for now. To be discussed in IRC on Molotov when it is up.
``That sounds reasonable, I would concur with that decision''
* Toastie
h4. Molotov
Tom and Henry to go and speak to Chris Tilbury personally, as we have had no reply yet.
h4. Tom's Box
Basically, it needs to go back. Alexis to hopefully take it back sometime, as he lives in Leam and no-one else does. Apart from Tom.
Chrispy may take the box back if he's feeling generous.
h4. LAN
The LAN went well, however there were very few turnups. Many of the first years mailed in the last day cancelling their signup.
Jake to talk to Dave Capps and Ann Jarvis about borrowing Anime's projector, because we're not allowed to use the AV one, and we wouldn't dream of disobeying Onion regs.
h4. Signup Policy
Since the LAN was most disappointing, we're going to alter our signup policy.
Those who DNA'd at the LAN will be put at the bottom of the signup list.
To un-signup for an event, one must do so two full days - 48hrs before the start of the event. Failure to do so will count against that person at the next event.
h4. All Nighter
Aah yes. The All Nighter, the biggest Compsoc event of the year. Well, so far anyway.
This term's FragFest will be held in Week 7 - Friday 16th of November at 8pm until Sunday 18th of November at 10pm. The exec to get there by 7 for setup.
Nutsy to book.
We'll have the B-rooms: B21[2-4].
We will also run some tournies - Quake 3, Counter Strike and Starcraft to name but a few.
One option considered was to allow signups for one of the two weekend days; priority would be given to those attending the entire weekend.
h4. Publicity
We have none! We need some! Leet publicity skillz!
Jake to do posters.
* Chris Smith to put Gaming in The Word
* Chris Smith to put all nighter in The Word when confirmed
h4. Photosoc
We've been approached by the Photographic Society, offering their services as photographers for our event/s, as their members need practice. After this, we have the option (although are under no obligation) to buy some photos.
We'll invite them to the All Nighter. Toaster to mail.
h4. Karting
Karting, the past-time enjoyed by refined, calculated, experienced racing drivers and nutcases alike will be part of the Compsoc calendar.
We'll got to the Coventry Speedway, as Henry's been there before, and it's a good place.
H to find out some details and ring up.
JR to put the details on the website.
To be booked provisionally for Wednesday Week 8 - 21 November.
h4. CS Tournament
Continuing in the successful line of CS Tournies, we're gonna have another one. All participants will be required to play on University machines, in ITS011/019.
To save admin time, the teams should be chosen beforehand if at all possible.
The cost will be free, provisionally. It will probably be hosted on Friday of Week 2.
h4. Funds
We owe money. However, as Alexis wasn't here we don't have exact figures. However this is what leet bookkeeper in absentia H reckons:
* Henry - £55
* Chris Smith - £200
* Jake - £60
* Steve Gates - £20
h4. Aberystwyth
Last week, Jake was mailed by the president of the Aber Compsoc, who was frustrated with the lack of response to his attempts to converse with other Compsocs.
They are organising online chats with Cool People, and have invited us to ``attend''.
They've also badgered their Uni's ITS to lift their firewall; as a result they can now play against us! Woo!
Jake to culture relationship.
h4. Tutorials
h5. Swing
Guest speaker Chris Salmon's pulling power remained as effective as ever, and the JFC lecture was as well attended as a Kid America gig in Siberia. There were seven attendees. We think that many factors contributed to this, a major one being the publicity.
As a consequence, we'll re-run the tutorial in Term 2.
h5. Other Tutorials
The HTML tutorial will be done over two weeks, starting in Week 7, Mon/Tue at 5:00pm.
PHP in term 2.
h4. Spam
Henry to mail that company with all the details.
h4. Clothes
We'll try to get sponsorship.
h4. OSP
We're having a whole bunch of meetings to deal with a whole bunch of stuff on a whole bunch of dates. But not week 7 'cos it's the LAN :-)
h4. Next meeting
Will be at 2:30 in the City Arms.