Minnits - 25th October 1999
Posted on 25th October 1999
h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits
h4. 25th October 1999
h4. Attended
* Chris Smith
* Andrew Rudnicki
* Jan Schultz
* Barry Boden
* Chris Salmon
h4. Contents
* Union Training
* Network Games (at CSV)
* Goldeneye tournament
* LAN parties
* Compsoc server on CSV network
* WWW Administrator position
* WWW page
h4. 1: Union Training
The upcoming training schedule now stands as follows:
* Duty Of Care - week 5 Mon (MR2) - All exec
* Getting the most from your exec - week 6 Mon - Chris Smith
* Using your Money - week 8 Tue - Jan
* Advanced Event Management - week 8 Wed - Chris Smith
* Equal Opps - week 9 Wed - Andy
I'm not sure about times as I don't have a booklet, but you can get them from the resources room in the Union.
h4. 2: Network Games (at CSV)
Chris Smith has drafted a letter. It was suggested that although the exec wishes to consult with a high level within CSV, that this is best done through the chain of command as not to 'go over the heads' of the sysadmins. A meeting was suggested, as was an email to sysadmins and their superiors, to ensure that everyone knows that a our request exists. It was agreeded that this needed to be done as soon as possible. Chris Smith is to mail the exec the proposed letter, so that any amendments can be made before it is sent.
h4. 3: Goldeneye tournament
h5. Venues
The availability and capacity of meeting rooms in the union was discussed, and the exec were told that the following rooms had the following capacities; meeting rooms 1,2,3,6 - 30 people, meeting rooms 4,5 - 60 people. These are free to book, though are popular for bookings.
Zippys is free during the day, as is Lynams Lounge. Zippys is £130 for the evening. It was suggested that if the exec organise an evening event, that they would hope to arrange this with another society in recognition of the lack of females in compsoc. Another venue discussed was L3 - suggested because of it's large screen - It was agreeded that one person to get in touch with about booking this is Mike Joy, due to his connections with both the University and the FilmSoc, who use L3 regularly. It was suggested that the science concourse seminar rooms could be used for practice before the main Goldeneye tournament in L3. It was suggested that the tournament evening start at 5pm for an 8pm tournament start, to allow players to warm up beforehand.
h5. Details
It was suggested that entrance to the tournament should be set at 50p for members, £1 non-members. Prizes for the tournament are to consist of a winners T-shirt or similar, and a number of amuzing awards (e.g. best death, best slapper, best coward). Entrance is by signing up a week before at the 'warm up' session the week before the tournament. This was agreed as the wisest decision, as the society can be assured that people will turn up as they have paid to enter. It was suggested that the society should host at least one tournament a term, and that the winners (or finalists) could play each other at a neutral game (such as MarioKart) to decide an overall winner.
h5. Actions
Chris Smith to book the double meeting rooms in the Union for one day in each of the next two weeks from 5pm - about 10pm. The first session is for a warm up and signing up for the tournament. The second week is for the tournament. Andy to find the N64's and TV's required. Chris Smith and Andy to draw up the rules of the competition (e.g. random player characters). It was agreed that people offering their N64's / TV's would be allowed free entry into the tournament and a buy into the second round. This is to be used as an incentive for people to loan us their consoles/TV's. This was seen as fair, as these people would most likely reach the second round anyway. Chris Smith to produce and copy posters for the event once Barry gives him some screenshots of GoldenEye to use on the poster. Chris Smith to arrange the winners prize (T-shirt).
h4. 4: LAN parties
Possible venues as for the Goldeneye tournament. It was suggested that the society could book Zippys for day at the weekend so that the LAN could be used for the whole day. Chris Smith to investigate. The other concern was that the meeting rooms in the Union could have problems with power. Barry to investigate. A final alternative was that it could be held at a member's house. It was recognised that if this happened then the society would be prepared to pay for expenses such as electricty.
h4. 5: Compsoc server on CSV network
The exec wants one! It was suggested that if the members were prepared to pay about £30 each, that a decent £3000 machine could be purchased. Barry to mail someone as to the possibility of connecting it to one of the University networks.
h4. 6: WWW Administrator position
It was raised that there was a new member interested in the position, and that Chris Smith would mail the member who previously showed an interest in the position to see if this was still the case.
h4. 7: WWW page
It was suggested that the games page should now contain a table detailing how many copies of different games there are in the society e.g:
* Game Copies
* Half-Life 15
* Quake 30
It was decided that this would probably be the WWW Admin's first task.
The next meeting is set for Mon 1st at 14:00, meeting at the Fyshbowl.
Any new matters should be emailed to "C.Salmon@bigfoot.com":mailto:c.salmon@bigfoot.com for the next meeting
Chris Salmon - Computing Society Secretary