Minnits - 1st March 2000
Posted on 1st March 2000
h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits
h4. 1st March 2000
h4. Attended
* Chris Smith
* Chris Salmon
* Ryan Cullen
* Barry Boden
* Andrew Rudnicki
h4. Contents
* T-shirts
* Newsletter
* Sponsorship
* Budget Form
* Freshers Fair (next year)
* Pidgeon hole
h4. 1: T-shirts
Lazerlizard has proved to be quite expensive, about £13 for 2 x A4 picture on one shirt. Chris Smith to keep investigating possible printers.
h4. 2: Newsletter
Chris Salmon to write the next newsletter, containing the new exec positions, paintball, allnighter reminder, CSV gaming sessions and the open source software project.
h4. 3: Sponsorship
It was suggested that IBM might be interested.
h4. 4: Budget Form
Ryan to get a full list of members for the society, so we can fill in the form.
h4. 5: Freshers Fair (next year)
Need to discuss details of this at a later date.
h4. 6: Pidgeon hole
Need to remember to request a locker for the start of next year.
h4. 7: AGM
h5. Chris Salmon to book a meeting room for week 10.
The next meeting is set for ***WED 2pm***, meeting at the Fyshbowl.