Minnits - 13th October 1999

Posted on 13th October 1999

h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits

h4. 13th October 1999

h4. Present

* Chris Smith
* Mike Squire
* Barry Boden
* Chris Salmon

h4. Contents

* New Appointments
* Union Training
* Events / Calendar
* Network Games
* Bowling
* Lan / N64 Parties
* Computer Shows
* WWW Page
* Other

h4. 1: New Appointments

The Equal Opps. position has now been filled by Andrew Rudnicki. It was decided that the exec needed to fill the position of 'Social Secretary'

h4. 2: Union Training

It was decided that the following people would be attending the following Union-run courses for society exec members:

* First Aid, week 3 Mon, Barry
* How to use the Union, week 3 Mon, Chris Smith
* Using your money, tba, Jan
* Equal Opps, tba, Andrew
* Sponsorship, week 4 Mon, Chris Smith, Mike
* Duty of care, week 5 Mon, Chris Smith, Chris Salmon, Barry, Mike (Jan, Andrew - tba)
* Getting the most from the exec, week 6 Mon, Chris Smith
* Advanced Event Management, week 8 Wed, Chris Smith

The details are to be finalised by email, and Chris Salmon will register the exec on their courses by Friday.

h4. 3: Events / Calendar

The preliminary calendar for the next 3 weeks was decided as:

Tue 19th Oct - Airport - 8pm - First social

Tue 26th Oct - Network Game - 8-10 (meet between 7:30-8:00 Airport)

Wed 4th Nov - Bowling TBA

Possible future event: Laserquest, Lan/N64 party, Computer Show

h5. a) Network Games

Mike said he would try to book a room before Friday, and that he would take the best room he was offered.

It was decided that for each session, the exec would delegate a 'Network Games Administrator' to oversee the session, to help with installations and ensure that none of the society's rules are being broken, with particular attention to the use of illegal software.

It was decided that members should bring official copies of any games they wished to play.

It was suggested that a database of member's games could be drawn up to help people find opponents/games.

Due to the number of people wanting to play expected to be more than the number of available computers, it was decided that a system needs to be used to ensure a fair selection of members being allowed to join. This could be done either on a first-come basis with members emailing the exec if interested, or rota system of/at each session.

It was suggested that the Network Gaming sessions should alternate with other social activities for variety.

Barry was asked to investigate possible technical difficulties involved with running games on the network.

If Mike is unable to arrange a room, this would turn into a alternative social event.

h5. b) Bowling

Mike said he would phone for details.

h5. c) Lan / N64 parties

This was suggested as an alternative to using the University network. Problems include transport and the willingness of the members to move their equipment.

It was decided to gague the members' opinion as to whether this is viable.

h5. d) Computer Shows

The exec decided to keep an eye out for possible computer shoes which might interest the members. Transport could be either minibus or train, with possible subsidised travel and/or entrance.

h4. 4: WWW Page

In response to a member request, Chris Smith has reposted last years Linux page on the new website. However, this was felt to be inadequate, and it was decided that Mike would collate a group of links to Linux-based web pages as a resource for our members.

It was also decided that the site should contain some computing info relevant to Warwick, and especially freshers. Suggestions included info on how to setup a website on CSV and tips on using Solaris (changing window managers etc.)

It was also decided to ask if any members had websites which they would like their entry in the Members directory to link to.

It was also decided that Chris Smith would email the SU about a link on their societies page to the Compsoc site.

h4. 5: Other

Details of the compsoc account for the SU resources room were given to all present.

In reference to talks from the industry, the exec acknowledges that this would be difficult due to member apathy about such events, and that a badly attended/organised event would reflect badly on those involved. It was decided that if these did go ahead, they should not take the form of a lecture, but a demonstration. It was decided to leave this for the present.

It is noted that 120 ukp from membership has gone into the account, and the balance is now 231.40 ukp.

It was decided that this exec would try to put in place a constitution for following years so that the society should not have to be set up again from scratch. An annual AGM should be set, and next years exec be properly elected unlike this year.

The next meeting is set for Mon 18th at 14:00, meeting at the Fyshbowl.

Any new matters should be emailed to "C.Salmon@bigfoot.com":mailto:c.salmon@bigfoot.com for the next meeting.

Chris Salmon - Computing Society Secretary