Exec Minutes: 5th December 2007

Posted on 5th December 2007

*Present* mullet,Brad,Monk,Azurit,Nat20,George,Si,Bruce,Lucy,OddBloke,JcO

h5. 1. Refresher's Fayre

The Society must complete a form to get a stand.

ACTION: Brad/Mullet - to remove accounts from old members
ACTION: Si to complete Refresher's Fayre sheet.
ACTION: Mullet to check for large IBM poster in his office
ACTION: George to print out mini-posters for Fayre (100 A4 = 400 A6)
ACTION: Benji/Exec to email poster to Exec list (for new Exec'ers)
ACTION: Si to check supplies of IBM freebies for stand.

h5. 2. Term 2 Events

* Pub on Mondays
* Natural20 suggests Karting/Paintball

ACTION: Mullet to forward Fred's pubcrawl suggestions
ACTION: Natural20 to produce pub-crawl route and put date on events

* Gaming will run on Fridays and may move to ITS room

ACTION: Azurit/JcO to check ITS agreement/approach ITS about 24 hour rooms

* WUGLUG to continue to hold weekly talks.

ACTION: OddBloke/Brad to email Si with details of rooms needed.

* Exec Meetings are to move to a more involving time - to invole more members.

ACTION: Exec to agree on time. Si needs to check teaching timetable.
ACTION: Bruce to book exec meeting rooms on Mondays and Fridays (18:00-19:00)

* Tech Team Meetings will stay at the same time until further notice.
* Academic events are to be booked.

ACTION: George to approach IBM, Microsoft, Sun for talks.
ACTION: George to reply to CMB. ASAP.
ACTION: George to decide week of Programming Comp 2 for Accenture.

h5. Communications

Mullet states that minutes are not being provided adequately. Si replies that a number are now available online.

Mullet continues - all Exec members are responsible for updating their events on the website or those for which
they are responsible.

h5. AGM Preparations

Mullet states that there is a need to being recruting candidates for next year's Exec. Any member can stand but
a lot don't know what positions are available or what the job entails. Publicising the positions will help.

ACTION: Exec is to plan for AGM in Week 4/5 of Term 2
ACTION: Nominations are to open in week 2 and end Friday Week 3
ACTION: Proxy votes will be allowed from Monday Week 4 until AGM event
ACTION: Notifications will be sent out in Week 1

h5. IBM Invoice

Bruce reported that the Union was unsure as to whether IBM had paid their sponsorship money.

ACTION: Bruce to follow this up.

h5. AOB

ACTION: Tech Team to report on new hardware purchase plan by Exec meeting Week 2, Term 2
ACTION: Gaming to report on purchase plan by Exec Week 2, Term 2