Exec Minutes - 10/12/2009
Posted on 10th December 2009
h2. Present:
Estel, Mogmiester, Trip, Azurit, Connorhd, Sinjo, Monk, bakaidiot_, Dirtus
h3. Apologies:
h2. Minutes
h3. Mahdi Shariff's e-mail
Mahdi Shariff sent an email asking for help to design a website. We ignored this for quite some time, but we need to forward the original email to interest, and email an apology to him, and tell him people interested in helping will contact him.
*Action*: Connor will sort this
h3. L4D2 Tournament
Estel presented the rules he had drawn up. They look good, and the website design will be added to the XING list.
h3. Group photo
The group photo will be hopefully done at LAN, as it is the easiest time and place to do it.
h3. IBM Hursely Trip
Signups will be £5, which will be refunded if people turn up. It is just a measure taken to ensure people signed up actually go. People interested will need to email Connor as DCS are organising it. IBM are organising the publicity, so we can do more once we receive posters and emails.
h3. LAN
*Action*: Sinjo to speak to Roger to get a trolly
*Action*: Azurit to organise signups
h3. Gaming Officer
Need to have an EGM to remove the current position of gaming officer before the AGM. We are hoping to do this by email, but we need to be sure of the rules first.
*Action*: Mogmiester to read the rules on the SU website