CompSoc Minutes - 2004/06/04
Posted on 4th June 2004
h3. CompSoc Minutes - 2004/06/04
h4. Present
* David Buckley
* Timothy Troy
* Andrew Sully
* Christopher Boyle
* Richard Wilson
* Johnathan Smith
* Paul Broadbridge
* Peter Ellis
* Christian Bates
h4. TOS
Peter Ellis apologised for not redrafting these due to time constraints so the matter was left for later discussion.
h4. Music at LANs
It was decided that we should have 2 music servers, one in each room at the BFL.
h4. Logo Competiton
Peter Ellis was assigned to organise the logo compettion. It was also noted that this should be for a logo concept and the logo itself should be a swuaire.
h4. ITS leaflet
It was confirmed that this had been sent off and that we are not waiting to hear from them.
h4. Socials
There will be no further socials planned this term.
h4. Academic
Jonathan Smith requested that the academic projects which fall under the brief of the LUG could be put under the control of same. This was agreed to by the exec.
h4. Programming Competition
Andrew Sully confirmed that there will be a mail going out soon about this
h4. OSP
Chris Boyle was asked to check on the status of the OSP mailing list checkbox.
h4. Tech
Richard Wilson summarised the status of the servers and directed further questions to the wiki.
h4. AOB
Jonathan Smith requested that the LUG have a presence at the freshers fayre, this was agreed.
Richard Wilson informed the exec that the JinglyBOT CVS was going live soon now the technical issues have been resolved.
The meeting was then adjourned.