AGM 2007 - 21st February

Posted on 21st February 2007

The AGM was held this evening, some interesting discussion took
place regarding the future of the society (that lasted 1h30!) and
good questions were posed to the candidates. The nominees and results are
as follows:

h2. Nominees

h3. President

* Andrew Wheat (Candle)
* Richard Warburton (Mulletron)

h3. Treasurer:

* Bruce Tinton (Bruce)

h3. Secretary:

* Simon Hammond (Hamster)

h3. Academic Officer:

* Arun Prasannan (Polar)

h3. Technical Officer:

* Fred Emmott (Fred)
* Timothy Retout (Tim)

h3. Gaming Officer:

* Chris West (Faux)
* Andrew Lee (Fluff_eei)

h3. Wuglug Liaison Officer:

* Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)

h2. Results

The new Exec will be:

* Richard Warburton (Mulletron)
* Bruce Tinton (Bruce)
* Simon Hammond (Hamster)
* Arun Prasannan (Polar)
* Timothy Retout (Tim)
* Andrew Lee (Fluff_eei)
* Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)

Good luck to the new exec, we will have the usual hand-over period and
afterwards they shouldn't hesitate to talk to a previous exec member if
there are any problems!