Go Karting on Fri 20th June 2014
Mario Kart but IRL
Time & Date
Fri 20th June 2014, 15:20 - Fri 20th June 2014, 20:00
Team Sport Karting
Exams are finished, but it is still to long to wait till BFL. Don't worry as UWCS is going GO-KARTING.
We will be meeting up on the central plaza at 14:20 (please be there on time). We hope to return alive around 19:00 the same day for Friday Gaming.
Prices are as followed:
Student (require proof on day) = £30 + cost transport
Adult = £50 + cost of transport
Cost of transport will be added on a later date once we know numbers.
(so if you wan to come please put you name as soon as possible!)
The cost gives everyone a total of an hour on the tracks, safety equipment and transport there and back.
To secure a booking, we are required to pay in full before the day.
AS of such if you don't provide your share of cost by 11/06/2014 YOU DON'T GO!!!!!
Please hand your money to either Martin (robot) or Chris (Veltas)
NOTE: Mario cosplay is optional