Minnits - 22nd February 2001

Posted on 22nd February 2001

h3. Compsoc Exec Minnits

h4. 22nd February 2001

h4. Attended

* James Ross
* Richard Colfer
* Tom Cropper
* Chris Salmon
* Jake Staines
* Henry Soutgate
* Phil Ross
* Alexis Birkill
* Mike Squire
* Barry Boden
* Chris Smith

h4. Laserquest

HolyChris has booked LaserQuest from 3:00 - 4:00 on Wednesday 28 Feb for 16 people. With NUS card, the price would be five of our finest English pounds for three games. The attendees will meet in Rootes Reception at 2:15, to leave by 2:30.

h4. Computer Console Society

Having been graced by courteous notice-board postings and emails from Jim the Banana[1], a descision was made to not return their kind offer of a Goldeneye match, principally on the grounds that we have no time. Henry to write a reply inviting said society to the Red Nose Day CounterStrike event (see item four), where they may pit their gamplaying skills against POKE. The exec has considered to play The Society Soon To Be Known As The Society Formally Known As The Computer Console Society at GoldenEye sometime next term.

h4. References

The secretary should, wherever possible, not use insulting terms.

h4. CounterStrike Red Nose Day

The CounterStrike toournament has been oganised for the Saturday of Week 9. Nutsy to both organise the tournament and play. Nutsy also to create a list of rules[2]. The teams will size four, and be chosen at random. BPfH to spam people and make posters.

h4. CounterStrike 1.0

CS 1.0 has now been removed from the Uni machines and burnt onto CDs. CS 7.1 will be tried on this Friday's gaming session, and evaulated. SirHC to give Kilgore the 1.0 CDs. Ironic because Kilgore burnt them in the first place.

h4. 36-hour LAN

The 36-hour LAN has been planned for the weekend of Week 22 from 10 o'clock Saturday morning until 10 o'clock Sunday evening, although not booked yet. Chris Salmon to take Nutsy to see a woman. Chris: I Haven't seen the woman

h4. Server / IBM

Due to an overrunning meeting, Mike was unable to see Mike (Colshaw) about possible IBM sponsorship, but will continue to seek a method of approach. Ages ago, Kilgore mailed Tim Clark of ITS about the possibility of us having a box in a cupboard. No reply has of yet been received and Tom ``Radio Networks R Us'' Whorley to chase him up on this. Mike offered to step down from being IBM Liason Officer, but his offer was declined by virtue of the fact that Mike C knows Mike S. That and the fact that none of the rest of us could find time in our hectic gaming lifestyles (see item 2).

h4. Laminator

(Vice President) Chris had a thorough look at laminators, and came back to the exec meeting chocker-block full of excuses as to why he didn't know anything about them. In a similar fashion, (Not President Any More) Chris didn't get any info about cold-seal pouches. Both to try again.

h4. PHP

Jake ``No [clean] Nickname'' Staines has produced some posters, and will do some talking[3] about PHP in weeks 8-10. Alexis to get some HTML tutorial links and put them on the website so that (non) Compsoc members can learn some HTML, as this will be pretty fundamental to the PHP tutorials.

h4. Week Nine Binge

As susceptible to large quantities of alcohol as the Computer Society members are, it was decided that they could withstand a `''thoroughly good piss-up'' in the Varsity on Friday of week 9. It was suggested that the venu be moved to the City Arms, Earlsdon as the prices are as to the Varsity prices as a lemur is to a gnu but, as Jake and SirHC pointed out, members living on campus would have an un-equal opportunity to attend, on the grounds that they won't know the way to stagger back.

h4. Handover

The most important part of the meeting, where Chris solemnly handed over the Presidency to Jake, was completely missed by the entire society who were arguing about the coldness of their Curly Fries. The following points were made: Mailing List Done. The new exec members have been added and the old ones will stay on for the time being. Passwords Being circulated on a list in the Varsity, so that everyone at least knows the Mimosa password. Finance Card A new finance card has been applied for. Registration After the meeting, the exec piled over to Onion North, where a society registration form was completed and handed over to Ann Jarvis. Thus begun the Iron Reign of Jake the Implier.
Ann Jarvis... ...is the society liason officer, and can be found in the Onion computer room.
The Onion Computer Room... ...can be found by trundling up the stairs and turning right. Right?

h4. Next Meeting

h5. Due to random clashes in timetables [4] ,everyone will mail HC with availability details.

fn1. In which he admitted to ignoring an email sent by our Exec.

fn2. What a busy little squirrel.

fn3. Old habits die hard.

fn4. Credit to James Ross for deciding his lecture wasn't important enough to miss the exec meeting.