h3. Compsoc Minutes 02/12/2005

Posted on 2nd December 2005

h4. Present

* Sadiq Jaffer
* Ian Norris
* Tim Retout
* Laurence Hurst
* Phil Stoneman
* Chloe Dives
* David Buckley
* Christopher Endicott
* Andrew Wheat

h4. Apologies

* Adam Miles

h4. Programming Competition

Sadiq asked if the framework was out - Laurence says it is being done now.

We have been promised money from Accenture, but have not yet received it.

There are lots of people signed up to the email list.

The competition has been plugged in lectures.

There is one small bug in the framework, but in general everything is fine.

h4. Money

David Buckley suggests upgrading molotov, Sadiq points out that there's no pressing need.

Phil wants to wait to see how the new rackmount servers work before spending money.

DB asks about the status of insomnia. Phil replies that it is now working properly again.

Part of the available money is for upgrading the suahu quota with ITS. Laurence notes that the email to ITS about this was apparently lost. Laurence is to email ITS asking for more quota.

Ian points out that there are several games we could buy licences for:
* Warcraft III
* Frozen Throne
* Rise of Nations
* BF1942

h4. Pub

Chloe asks who wants to move from Wetherspoons.

David points out that while we like Wethersponns, they do not like us. Sadiq notes the amount of money we bring them each week, and the excessive regulations/poor service. We could get a better deal.

Some pubs are suggested: Sizzles stop serving food at about 9pm. the Albany was considered 'a bit seedy'. Sadiq suggests that Compsoc trial pubs for two weeks at a time to gauge opinion among the membership, and attempt to reach a consensus. Ian notes that the change of venues will need to be advertised well in advance. Phil is to ensure that there are people on the socials list to be emailed about this.

Phil suggests the Aardvark, Sadiq the Virgin & Castle.

Sadiq says that the good thing about the Albany was the fact that we could take over the pub, and people could mingle. David points out that the small tables forced this to happen.

Ian suggests the Old Clarence. Andrew asks when the Graduate stops serving food; but it is pointed out that all they serve is pies, and that it is too smoky an environment.

Chloe is to spend time at the end of the holidays visiting potential pubs, but asks for suggestions of venues from the exec.

Sadiq asks who would want to go to Rainbow's for a general social, and makes a serious case for this option.

h4. Website

The Exec commended Phil on the recent Tech newsletter, and suggest that he continues it.

Phil then summarises the history of the website project.

Sadiq notes the need to get first and second-years involved in the project, so that there will be people who can maintain it in the future.

Chris asks for some effort to be put into the content.

Chloe asks whether the Exec should have responsibility for maintaining the site, but it is pointed out that the job was handed to the techteam in the past.

h4. Next Year's Exec

Sadiq points out that the elections for the next exec will take place midway through next term.

The exec need to find replacements, and it is suggested that they consider potential candidates.

It is agreed that we need to reinstate the post of Academic Officer, as no-one has had responsibility for it this year.

It is also agreed that the position of Webmaster should be an Exec position, assuming that it is a non-trivial job.

h4. Christmas Cards

Sadiq points out that Adam had a list of people to send Christmas cards to. Sadiq had also gone and bought some Christmas cards to send.

Chloe writes the cards. Tim is to mail these, and recover money for postage from Ian.

h4. AOB

Phil asks about tournaments for the next LAN, so that he can make prizes. It is agreed that there shall be a UT tournament on the Saturday, and Vince will be running a DDR tournament on the Sunday.

Andrew has been volunteered to run the UT tournament, and is to look into handicapping so that more people can enjoy it.

Ian is to post a link to the "lights" video into the topic of #compsoc this evening.

h4. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be at 7pm on Fri Week 1 Term 2.